
Privacy Statement

Breen are committed to protecting the personal information of those who use our recruitment portal in accordance with the data protection and privacy laws to which we are subject (principally, the NZ Privacy Act 2020 and the General Data Protection and Regulation Act set out by the European Parliament and Council in April 2016).

This privacy policy sets out how we collect and use your personal information, and make sure you are aware of your rights. Your use of our recruitment portal or website/s will indicate your authorisation for Breen to collect, use, disclose, store and process your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Information about you that we may collect

Personal information is any information relating to you that enables you to be identified either directly or indirectly. Personal information that we hold about you may include your name, address, email address and phone number. We collect personal information that you provide us directly, including when you send us an email, enter a search query, create an account on one of our websites, or submit a job application online.

You must make sure that your personal information is accurate, complete and not misleading when it is disclosed.

We may receive additional information about you from other publicly and commercially available sources, as permitted by law. Public information about you can consist of information published on the internet or personal information that you have made public (for example, on your social media profiles).

We also collect some non-personal information automatically, such as the IP address from which you accessed this website, the date and time you are visiting, the pages you accessed, the type of browser and operating system you use, and terms you use to search for content on our site. This information cannot be used to personally identify you. We use it for the purposes of system administration, auditing use of the website and improving it for different customer profiles, and for our internal reporting.

We may combine all of the information we collect or receive about you and use or disclose it in the manner described in this Privacy Statement. We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information that we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Where you submit information on behalf of another person, you confirm that you have made that person aware of how we may collect, use and disclose their information, the reason you have provided it, how they can contact us, the terms of this Privacy Statement and that they have consented to such collection, use and disclosure.

Use of your information

We collect and use your personal information, and may share your personal information with others acting on our behalf, for one or more of the following purposes:

  • If you are a prospective employee or job applicant, for the purposes of the recruitment process.
  • If you become an employee, for the purposes of administering your employment with us.
  • If you are a client or subcontractor, to provide our services and/or products in accordance with our contract with you.
  • To assess and respond to any complaint you might make to us.
  • To comply with our regulatory and legal obligations.

Where you have consented to us using your personal information for marketing purposes, we may use your information to conduct marketing and data analysis or to send you updates and news concerning us, our publications and invitations to events we host. If at anytime you wish us to stop using your information for these purposes, please email us at or use the “unsubscribe” facility in the relevant email message.

Disclosure of your information

To the extent allowed by applicable law, we may disclose your information to:

  • Our external service providers or suppliers such as companies that provide us with data or “cloud” hosting, technical support, recruitment support or other services.
  • Third party service providers and consultants in order to protect the security or integrity of our business, including our databases and systems and for business continuity reasons.
  • Any person as required by law including to any regulatory agency if we reasonably believe we must do so to comply with the law or that doing so is required to prevent, detect, investigate or remedy improper conduct that potentially affects us.
  • Any other third party where you have provided your consent.
Retention of your information

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that information held is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant, not misleading and is used only for the purposes stated in this policy. We do not hold your personal information for longer than is required for the purpose/s for which the information was collected.

Links to other websites and third parties

Our websites may contain links or references to third-party owned or operated websites or online services. We are not responsible for the collection of personal information or the security or privacy of such information on any such third-party sites or services. You should check the privacy notice and policies of each website you visit.


Our websites may rely on the use of cookies, which are small files stored on the hard drive of your computer. We recommend you enable cookies to make the website easier to use but it is up to you whether you enable them or not. Not all features of our websites may be available if you do not enable cookies.

For more information about cookies, including how to adjust your internet browser settings to reject cookies, you can visit

Protection of your information

Data we hold is stored in written or electronic form on servers and computers in various physical locations in New Zealand and the cloud. Physical, electronic and procedural safeguards are maintained to protect your personal information from misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure and loss or corruption by computer viruses and other sources of harm. Access to your personal information is restricted to those of our staff members and third parties who need to know that information for the purposes set out in this privacy statement.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that information held by external service providers engaged by us to hold your information on our behalf will not be held, used or disclosed by the service provider inconsistently with applicable data protection and privacy laws (principally, the NZ Privacy Act 2020 and the General Data Protection and Regulation Act set out by the European Parliament and Council in April 2016).

Although we use secure connections for data transmission, the transmission of information via the Internet cannot be guaranteed secure and as such any information you transmit to us or that we transmit to you is transmitted at your own risk.

Your rights

You have a right at any time to enquire about the personal information we hold about you and to have access to this. In addition, you can request correction of any of your personal information.

In the event that you inadvertently receive or are exposed to personal information or become aware of a suspected or potential privacy breach, you should immediately notify us. We will investigate any suspected or potential breaches in good faith promptly, thoroughly, and consistent with applicable law. We may notify any breaches to the relevant authorities and/ or affected individuals as required by applicable laws.

If you want to exercise one or more of your rights, report a suspected or potential privacy breach, have any queries about this Privacy Statement or if you are unhappy with how we’ve handled your personal information, please send an email to our Privacy Officer at . Our Privacy Officer will acknowledge receipt of your communication and respond to you within the period required by law or otherwise within a reasonable timeframe. If you consider that we have failed to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you can make a complaint to the relevant supervisory authority directly.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may revise this Privacy Statement from time to time and notify you of those changes by posting an updated version of this statement on our websites.